Our Precepts

The Precepts were developed to inform both our individual and community choices. They are not rules, but rather aspirations: we believe that honoring the precepts in our daily lives allows us to develop strong, healthy relationships with ourselves and our communities.


The Bay School Precepts live in our classrooms, in the artwork on our walls, and especially in Morning Meeting, where individuals—students and teachers alike—share how they have applied, struggled with, or found profound meaning in them. They are part of what makes The Bay School a unique learning community.

  • We value living with kindness and honesty; we are careful truth-tellers.
  • We value the importance of boundaries; we take only what is given.
  • We value respecting ourselves and our friends in relationships; we don’t misuse sexuality.
  • We value a clear mind and a healthy, strong body; we don’t intoxicate ourselves with alcohol, drugs, unhealthy food, or the misuse of technology.
  • We value kind speech; we don’t slander or gossip.
  • We value the richness of difference and diversity; we don’t praise ourselves at the expense of another; we don’t bully or haze.
  • We value communication; we don’t harbor anger or ill will, especially toward ourselves.
  • We value generosity; we share, giving and receiving help.
  • We value patience with ourselves and others; we don’t rush to judgment.
  • We value the earth, our home; we don’t pollute, we recycle, and we are careful, conscious consumers.

Choices that Benefit All 

We care about our growth and maturity. We want our school to be a safe, kind, and respectful environment, a place where we can make mistakes, learn from them, and grow. We join with the entire Bay School community in committing ourselves to be mindful of these precepts in our daily lives, in our choices, and in our relationships.