Immersives offer the unique opportunity to cover a topic in-depth over three weeks. This is a transformative way of learning.
Twice a year at Bay, students take one course for three weeks. They work intensely on a central question, with every day devoted to digging into specialized knowledge, learning from experts in the field, and collaborating with classmates. At the end of the three-week term, they produce a project or body of work to present at Exhibition. Bay is one of very few schools in the United States (and the only one in California) to offer this type of experiential program.
Immersives are required, for-credit classes that count toward graduation and are given subject matter credit by colleges and universities; this differentiates them from intersessions and other experiential terms. Where students are building up critical thinking and analytical skills during the long semester blocks, in Immersives they’re developing the ability to quickly gain and apply new skills, solve problems, and deliver a final product. This experience is challenging and rewarding. Students get fired up intellectually and personally—and they can’t wait to do it again.
Ambitious Projects, Deep Learning
Imagine creating a short feature film from concept to final cut, learning the history and ecology of California through weeks of field research, or searching for exoplanets and spending time at a research-level observatory. You can in Immersives.
Some courses focus on a particular topic, while others are multidisciplinary and co-taught by teachers from different departments.
Your options are broad: try on the life of a biochemist, learn about the history of hip hop and create your own beats, design and prototype a new product. Whichever direction you choose, you’ll plunge into the subject and be challenged with ambitious projects.
For 9th graders in the spring and for 10th graders in the winter, they'll choose from a set selection of "core" Immersive offerings. 9th graders will decide from a selection of history focused courses emphasizing the skill of research. 10th graders have options centered around English and the skill of public speaking.