Bay Activities

Activities are Bay's physical education program — P.E., only more fun. 


Consistent with the school’s commitment to valuing a healthy, strong body, and a calm, resilient mind, the activities program offers a variety of classes taken after school in locations throughout the Presidio. To fulfill graduation requirements, students may choose to participate in our activities, a Bay team sport, or an approved external sport or activity. Theater participation counts, too. (Learn more about our popular theater program.)

Activities for 2024 - 2025

Fall and Spring. Open to all levels. 

Led by a Bay School staffulty member, students in this activity will make the short walk up to Presidio Bowl after school. Bowling is like a showdown between you and a line of pins waiting to be knocked down. You roll a heavy ball down a slick lane, aiming for that perfect strike. It's a thrilling mix of skill, strategy, and a bit of luck, with friends cheering you on for every pin you topple!


Fall and Spring. Open to all levels. 

This activity puts you into the YMCA’s Group Exercise world by allowing you to enjoy a rotating schedule between Cycling, Yoga, and Basic Strength. These energetic, dynamic and mindful workouts will burn calories, tone your muscles and realign your body.

  • Cycle: A non-impact aerobic workout set to music simulates an outdoor ride. May include sprints, hills, and various creative drills. 
  • Yoga: A form of yoga that emphasizes movement based upon the use of breath; combining the precision of alignment with flow and body awareness; integrating body, breath, mind, and heart. Variations of positions offered to adapt to your particular needs and energy levels.
  • HIIT Class: High intensity interval training

Fall and Spring. Open to all levels. 

With 1,491 acres and 11 miles of hiking trails, there is a plethora of plants, birds, and beautiful views of the Golden Gate Bridge and the San Francisco Bay area to see. Prepare to spend about 30-45 minutes walking on variable terrain with a Bay staffulty member, exploring the natural features and historical landmarks that are spread throughout the Presidio. Break out your walking or hiking shoes and get ready to move!

Fall and Spring. Open to all levels.

Develop your strength, stamina and balance at the YMCA. You will learn how to properly and safely use the entire gym facility, and use this time to work out on your own. Have fun learning and developing your fitness skills at your own pace.

The Bay Robotics team is now an activity option starting in spring semester 2025! This multifaceted activity involves coding, building, and repairing robots that can withstand the rigors of competition. In just two years, Bay's team has performed well at several competitions, and there are many more to come. The team personifies our school ethos of collaboration, and you'll learn a lot while having fun. 

Fall only. Open to all levels. Must be able to attend all three days of class with no conflicts. Not open to winter athletes.

Learn to climb at Movement SF. Supervised by Bay staffulty and led by Movement SF instructors, rock climbing is a full-body activity that utilizes coordination and problem-solving whether you are top roping or bouldering. This program includes an hour-long safety lesson to teach the basic rope skills and safety needed to climb and belay in the gym. Students must check-in for attendance at Bay and walk to the gym. Students may be picked up directly from the gym or walk back to Bay at the conclusion of the class.

Starting in spring 2025, we are piloting a swim activity class (held at Letterman Gym), which we plan to transition into a competitive sport option. 

Fall and Spring. 

Auditions usually take place in late August/early September and early February. All actors and master technicians receive credit per term of participation.

Alternative Activity Credit

Activity requirements can be met outside of school with the following conditions: 

  • Minimum of 3 participation hours per week, for a minimum of 36 hours per 12-week term
  • Supervision by a coach or leader
  • Approval by Bay’s athletic department

Examples of alternative sports that Bay students participate in include swimming, dance, fencing, Krav Maga, parkour, gymnastics, rowing, and many more.

Key Dates

Activities Season

September 12 - December 5, 2024

Activities Season

February 12 - May 1, 2025