Health and Safety

Read below for community health-related news.


    Coming to Campus: What You Need to Know

    Updated: February 2024
    Guidelines and requirements are subject to change depending on public health circumstances.

    New COVID Guidance from California Dept. of Public Health

    The following information is taken directly from CDHP guidance for schools: 

    "On January 9, 2024, the CDPH made significant changes to guidance surrounding positive COVID case isolation periods. CalOsha also immediately aligned for employees. The main change is elimination of the 5-day isolation period. 'COVID-19 isolation recommendations move away from five days of isolation and instead focus on clinical symptoms to determine when to end isolation.'

    If your student tests positive for COVID-19, please make sure they stay home until the fever is resolved without fever-reducing medication and their symptoms are largely improved. Upon their return to school, students should mask while indoors at school for up to 10 ten days after the onset of symptoms, or until they have two negative COVID tests one day apart.

    We know there are other respiratory viruses that are not COVID-19 circulating this winter. Please keep your student home if they have a fever or significant fatigue. During cold and flu season, we encourage students to wear a mask while at school to reduce their and household members' risk."

    COVID Testing

    Bay will not require return-to-school testing after holiday breaks. We will continue to provide over-the-counter tests to students at school if they begin feeling unwell. If a student tests positive, our health team will contact the parents to pick the student up and will email the required steps for isolating and returning to school. 


    The above information will also apply to athletic teams in 2023–2024, but we would like to stress the importance of vigilance by parents/guardians. Young athletes may need to be particularly cautious about returning to play after having COVID; depending on the circumstance, it may be advisable to seek physician guidance before getting back on the court or field. Please contact [email protected] if you have questions.

    Helpful Links

    Centers for Disease Control COVID-19 Information

    SF Department of Public Health