Kristina Sears

BA, Art History, Trinity College
MEd, Educational Therapy, Holy Names University

Kristina’s favorite teachers were those who played mentorship roles in her life, and she now serves to guide Bay’s students in understanding and owning how they learn. Prior to joining Bay in 2020, she was an educational therapist at an independent K-8 school for many years. Born and raised outside of Chicago, Kristina has also lived in New York and Los Angeles, getting to know the museums wherever she goes. 

Precept affinity: We value living with kindness and honesty; we are careful truth-tellers. 
“There can be a stagnancy to 'nice,' and this has pushed me to think through my values around kindness and not just what it means, but what it looks like and how it is expressed. The idea of being 'care-full' is one that I orient myself around personally and professionally.”

Bay bravery: “Brave to me means stepping into uncertainty while staying true to yourself. It doesn't have to mean doing something daring or risky, it could be the opposite—stepping back from something or saying ‘no.’”



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