Eric Krieger

B.A., Psychology, Middlebury College
M.A., International Education, School for International Training

Eric’s college lacrosse coach inspired him to become an educator and showed him the profound impact a mentor can have on one's development. He hopes to have the same impact on Bay’s student-athletes. He loves working in athletics at Bay because “we provide space for both competitive athletes who want to play in college and students who are new to sports or don't consider themselves ‘athletic.’” Playing lacrosse at Middlebury College gave him lifelong lessons in accountability, integrity, and showing up as his best self and the best teammate he could be. Eric returned to Bay in 2021 after a few years' absence. He was also our Assistant Director of Admissions (and an advisor and a coach) from 2010 to 2015; he started our boys' lacrosse team.

Precept affinity: We value patience with ourselves and others; we don’t rush to judgment. 
“The world is a complicated place and it can be hard to navigate. I really appreciate the idea that for the most part, we are trying our best, and assuming the best in others is a great place to start from.”

Favorite Acre lunch: Coconut curry with cauliflower

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