Olga Bailess

BS, Business Information Systems, University of Phoenix
MA, Second Language Pedagogy, University of Utah

Olga finds a continued purpose in teaching when she sees the growth in students’ competency and proficiency. She brings many years of experience and study in language acquisition. Hailing originally from Spain, Olga brings her culture and knowledge of history into the classroom. She created a deep-dive unit on the Spanish Civil War, in which students investigate both the political and cultural causes and consequences and compare that time to the present situation in the United States. The students also create a series of paintings that illustrate key moments of the war. Olga enjoys teaching at Bay because she has the freedom to create her own curriculum; she is particularly invested in teaching practical applications of a new language. 

Precept affinity: We value generosity; we share, giving and receiving help. “This to me is most teachers' souls. We are in this profession to help, to guide, and to share our experiences.”

Some favorite things: Acre's chicken coconut curry, being in nature, cooking, family time.

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