Rachel Tennenbaum

BA, Cultural Anthropology, University of California, Santa Barbara

Parent of Marlowe, Bay Class of 2024

Rachel grew up in a small town in Vermont, riding horses, skiing, and snowboarding. She counts as her most memorable educational experiences her senior year AP English class taught by a Vietnam War veteran and her time after college working for a land reform organization and studying the creative education systems the group had set up on its settlements throughout the country. As Bay’s human resources manager since 2017, she has had a key role in creating systems and processes that are helping us build a stronger institution.

Precept affinity: We value communication; we don’t harbor anger or ill will, especially toward ourselves. 
“I love this precept because it hits on both my favorite concept—communication being key to all relationships—and my biggest personal struggle—the practice of not harboring ill will toward myself.

Favorite things: Acre’s baked potato bar and her array of personality socks.

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