Molly Matty

BS, Chemistry, North Carolina State University
PhD, Genetics and Genomics, Duke University

Molly is a firm believer in the intersection of science and creativity. She believes we must hold the foundational facts, while also using creative thinking and problem solving to innovate, build, and discover new knowledge, as many of the things we know now were likely uncovered by breaking rules in the past. She knew she wanted to be a biologist at a young age, and when told by her mom that she had to pick just one living thing to study for the rest of her life, she eventually decided on DNA, meaning she could study every living thing, as it connects all living things on this planet.

While her topic of study is complex, a few of her favorite things are simple: single origin black coffee, soft serve ice cream, and Star Wars.

Precept affinity: We value generosity; we share, giving and receiving help. "I think there is so much value in asking for help and offering specific forms of help you can provide. The next time your friend or family member isn't feeling well, instead of saying 'let me know if I can do anything!', specifically offer what you can do."

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