Daniel Rathman '08

BA, Economics, Tufts University
MA, Urban Planning, New York University

We get to see Daniel’s many talents in action on a daily basis. One minute, he’s helping to create complex yet elegant schedules, the next he’s finding vans for field trips at the last possible minute, and in the spring you’ll find him training and coaching our varsity baseball players. A lifelong Giants fan, his most influential educational experience was a class that looked at 20th-century US history through the lens of baseball during his senior year at Tufts. His mind is a wonder of logic and systems thinking, but he does have a touch of superstition: “I wear the same socks to our next baseball game if we won the previous one, and I make sure to NOT wear the same socks after a loss.” AND Daniel is a member of Bay's founding class. 

Precept affinity: We value communication; we don’t harbor anger or ill will, especially toward ourselves.
“As a coach, I think effective communication forms the foundation of a successful team and program. It allows student-athletes to grow into their best selves as players and, more importantly, as people. If we can be open, honest, and clear with each other, we'll be much better prepared for any challenges we'll face.”

Favorite things: The Talent Code by Daniel Coyle, Acre’s enchiladas (but really, anything with the secret homemade hot sauce)

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