Craig Miller

Bay Parent of Marcelo '26

BA, Politics, University of California, Santa Cruz
MA, Education, Stanford University

Craig joined Bay in 2007 and has helped to build our humanities program. He has been a key force behind many of Bay's interdisciplinary classes, collaborating in particular with our biology and environmental science teachers to bring a historical and policy lens to current climate- and resource-related challenges. He helped design and continues to teach the Water in the American West Immersive. He cites this as the educational experience that has had the greatest impact on him, and it’s safe to say our students feel the same. In addition to Water in the West, Craig helped implement the required 10th grade Civics class in 2019 and oversees our Model UN club. He says, “For me, the study of humanities encourages self-knowledge by inviting the exploration of the human condition via others' richly diverse experiences, all the while reflecting on the connections to our individual lives.” An influential book for Craig has been Seeking the Heart of Wisdom: The Path of Insight Meditation.

Precept affinity: We value patience with ourselves and others; we don’t rush to judgment. “Learning to quiet our inner critic is lifelong work, and I am proud to be part of a community that encourages grappling with that from a young age.”

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