Judy Fleischman

BS, Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

MS, Physics, University of Massachusetts at Amherst

PhD (ABD), Astronomy, Columbia University

Board Certification, Association of Professional Chaplains

Judy came to Bay in 2022 with years of experience offering contemplative care and mindfulness training in a variety of healthcare and educational settings. She is a Zen Buddhist priest and Board-certified chaplain. Her life journey shifted while pursuing a Ph.D. in Astronomy as she experienced an awesome moment of mindfulness while looking through a large telescope. That moment of "mindful observing" revealed how observer, observed, and observation all meet in the light of shared presence. Judy enjoys all the ways we meet in such light through the practice of mindfulness, which shapes our precepts and reflects Bay's mindful approach to learning and life.

Precept affinity: We value living with kindness and honesty; we are careful truth-tellers.
“Truth, in my experience, is more a process of understanding what you and I value. This precept encourages me to listen to what is true for you, what you value, at the same time that I am listening to what is true for me. How can I mindfully listen, being authentic and full of care? Our precepts invite such opportunities to deepen understanding as we grow closer."

Some favorite things: Improvising with family and friends in and out of the kitchen as play with multi-cultural recipes, often inspired by Acre's wonderful lunches. Especially coconut curry, comfort food that sparkles with spice!

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