Gina Meneni

BA, Politics, Minor in Spanish, Saint Mary's College of California
MA, Higher Education with Concentration in Public Policy, University of Michigan

For Gina, the college application process can be an incredible vehicle for self-awareness. To watch a student go from Who am I? to forming clear opinions around what they want to become in the world is “such a gift.” She believes that having the practice of mindfulness really prepares students to be able to go in, rather than look out, and make a decision that feels right to them. Between the teenagers—who are “fun, brilliant, and always surprising”—and her colleagues, Gina gets to laugh every day and actually has FOMO when she’s not at Bay. 

Gina’s guiding philosophy is that the driving question for students around college should not be “Where?” but “Why?”

Precept affinity: We value living with kindness and honesty; we are careful truth-tellers. “I have been blessed with a quick wit but cursed with a sharp tongue. The 'careful' part of being a truth-teller is a much needed reminder in my life! I apologize in advance."

Favorite Acre lunch: Coconut curry

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