Katie Buono

BA, English Literature, San Francisco State University
MA, Digital Media, University of San Francisco

Bay Parent of Coral '24

Katie came to Bay in 2013 to teach Senior Projects and stayed for the academic philosophy and rich community. She appreciates that the Bay community understands the value and uniqueness of individual talent, and how each person contributes to the whole. Katie’s life has been most impacted by travel, being in new environments and meeting new people. She designed our Uncovering Cultural Bias in America course to give students the opportunity to meet people outside of the Bay Area and broaden their horizons. She teaches Senior Projects, which is perfect for her because she loves learning—about anything—and “each student project means I get to go deep with them on whatever interest or passion moves them. There's nothing more exciting than witnessing young people uncover these parts of themselves.”

Precept affinity: We value living with kindness and honesty; we are careful truth-tellers. “Saying what you really mean with kindness is the greatest kindness of all. Being authentic with your praise and taking the time to give careful feedback shows that you really see people and that you care.”

Bay bravery: Katie is a singer, songwriter, and musician who performs with a band. Every year she does her own SP along with the seniors and in 2022, she produced her own EP. She believes that if you’re not failing a little bit, you’re not doing it right.

Favorite Acre lunch: Chicken coconut curry

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