Ancien Eleve, Ecole Normale Superieure Paris
BS Geologie et Geodynamique, Universite Paris XI-Orsay
BS Geophysique et Geochimie, Universite Paris VI-Jussieu
MS Geophysique, Institut de Physique du Globe, Universite Paris VII-Jussieu
MS Geophysics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Parent of John, Bay Class of 2017
As you might be able to tell from his degrees, Nicolas loves science. He relishes teaching the core science classes at Bay because he can focus on instilling wonder in our students while developing skills within a project-based curriculum. He also teaches our California Geology and Assembling SF courses, inspiring a love for science (and the beautiful Bay Area) through extensive field work.
Precept affinity: We value the richness of difference and diversity; we don't praise ourselves at the expense of another; we don't bully or haze. “Thanks to one of my dyslexic students, we designed tools to help students study for multiple choice tests, and I have been using the strategy ever since.”
Favorite things: Nic’s favorite book is Pilgrim at Tinker Creek by Annie Dillard because it reminds him to slow down and observe what’s around him, and it shows the power of good writing to convey science. He loves Acre’s coconut curry chicken.
Currently teaching: Physics 1, Biology 2 (Honors), Physics 2 (Honors), Assembling San Francisco (Immersive), California Geology: A Field Experience (Immersive)