BA, Government, Wesleyan University
Experiential learning, both in and out of the classroom, has had the greatest impact on Adam. Whether it was living by Daoist philosophies for a Chinese Philosophy class, spending the Fourth of July in a small rural town in Wyoming, or puzzling through a design project for my home, he's always found it rewarding to see how intricately connected "learning" and "living" are. When not at Bay, Adam enjoys hiking, reading books, cooking dinner for friends or making progress on a woodworking project.
Precept affinity: I am most draw to the precept "We value living with kindness and honesty; we are careful truth-tellers." I appreciate that being a "careful truth teller" complicates what it means to be honest and challenges us to think about the unique circumstances surrounding the information we share.
Currently teaching: Senior Projects, Ethics, Buddhism (Immersive), Summer of Love: The Rebels, Dreamers, and Change-Makers of 1967 (Immersive)