Saturn McCoy

BA, Neuroscience & Public Health, Hampshire College
MPH, Community-Oriented Public Health, University of Washington

Saturn never learned more than when they were in their Master's program, using problem-based learning. Instead of lecture style, students discussed cases and wrote each other's text books. "I was on the edge of my seat, just delighted and fascinated by our discussions." Saturn is energized and motivated as a health educator, seeing the value of exploring a variety of topics with students and watching them use the tools they learn immediately. The small class sizes at Bay allows for deeper education and the ability to learn from each other. Talk to Saturn, an avid plant forager, about gathering blackberries, fennel and dandelion root!

Precept affinity: We value communication; we don’t harbor anger or ill will, especially toward ourselves. "Health education is all about deepening our communication skills. We need to be able to talk about sex, boundaries and pleasure if we want fulfilling romantic relationships. The 'Choices' class also delves into how we create healthy friendships."

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