Kyle Persau

BS, Mechanical Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Kyle first found his way to Bay as a teaching assistant during Immersives in 2021. After seeing the students’ excitement for learning in that context, he realized that education was a path he wanted to explore. He teaches the 9th grade Conceptual Physics course and assists in many other science courses, during both semester and Immersive terms. “I love how so many of the classes at Bay utilize the Socratic method, wherein the students play active parts in engaging with each other and creating a discourse that allows them to discover on their own.”

Precept affinity: "We value living with kindness and honesty; we are careful truth-tellers." Truth, honesty, and trust are important to me and are incredibly important in a classroom. Students need to trust that their teacher has their best interests at heart before they are ready to be fully open and connect with each other.

Favorite things: Acre’s chicken soup; he can eat bowls on bowls of it.

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