Christina Velasco

BA, Communications and Psychology, San Diego State University
MA, Counseling Psychology, California Institute of Integral Studies

Christina began her school-counseling journey in a high school psychology class. She was fascinated by the content, as well as by the style and ethos of which her teacher. She was inspired to further delve into the world and work of psychology. Christina has worked clinically with adolescents and their families for over 10 years with non-profit agencies and in private practice.

Precept affinity: We value living with kindness and honesty; we are careful truth tellers. 
“The value of kindness shows up in two precepts, and this community can be summed up in the word kind. This is what sets Bay apart, and the fact that it is prioritized made me want to be a part of this community.”

Favorite things: Food, travel, urban hikes, reading in the sunshine, snowboarding and Acre gourmet. 

Currently teaching: Choices

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