Allie Curry

BA, English & Comparative Literature, Columbia University
MA, Secondary Education, Brown University

In her political philosophy class in college, Allie learned “how to question almost everything.” It was an eye-opening experience, and she brings that spirit of inquiry into her own classes. Bay’s blended Humanities program fits her well: “I believe that we need a blend of humanities disciplines to understand our social world. Our lives, our relationships, our communities, and our societies are in large part formed by stories that emerge from moments in history. Young people are often highly attuned to the critical flaws in these stories. I continually see Bay students practice curiosity, kindness, and mindfulness when I challenge them to learn these stories; so many learn how to pause without rushing to judgment.”

Precept affinity: We value the richness of difference and diversity. “Rather than people some part of themselves at the door, this precept suggests that the school community will adapt to support and celebrate all people in all their identities.”

Favorite Acre lunch: Ms. Curry co-signs on the curry!

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