Roxana Taquechel-Chaigneau

BA, Literature, Universidad de Havana
MA, Lexicology, Escuela de Lexicografía Hispánica, Madrid
MA, Lexicology and Terminology, Université Charles de Gaulle, Paris
PhD, linguistics, Sorbonne Nouvelle, Université de Paris
Post-doctorate, Beijing Foreign Studies University 

Roxana is not one to shy away from a challenge, having more than once dived headfirst into a new country, culture, and language. She moved to France for her graduate studies and, as the only foreign student who was not a native French speaker, had to learn to swim, linguistically speaking. The reward was experiencing her own growth and eventual mastery of the language, a sensation she wants her students to experience. Roxana has done advanced research with international teams on language acquisition, multilingualism, and language dynamics. 

Precept affinity: We value the richness of difference and diversity; we don’t praise ourselves at the expense of another; we don’t bully or haze. “Despite the veracity of this precept, it doesn't say how to be inclusive. I believe that diversity must be prized, but inclusion is the only way that culture can thrive.” 

Favorite Acre meals: Curry and the soups

Currently teaching: Spanish 2, Spanish 3, Spanish for Spanish Speakers 3 (Honors), How Can We All Get Along? (Immersive)

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