Tyler McDougold

BS, Psychology, Minor in Biology, Mount Allison University

Tyler’s interests lie at the intersection of science and human behavior, and more than one student has decided to study psychology in college after taking his Biological Psychology class. He was greatly influenced by a college class about drugs and behavior that helped him see humans in all their complexity. He teaches science because there is an importance to understanding the world around us and our place in it, “so that we are more invested in protecting it.”

One of Tyler’s most important responsibilities is officially opening the Bay Olympic season each year with the lighting of the ceremonial torch (a plastic bottle filled with a flammable liquid that he very safely lights on fire). 

Precept affinity: We value communication; we don’t harbor anger or ill will, especially toward ourselves." We can't walk through the world alone. Accepting who we are helps set us on the path to happiness.

Favorite things: ACRE’S COCONUT CHICKEN CURRY WITH A SIDE OF CARROT AND GINGER SOUP, his excellent personality sock collection, featuring “neurotransmitters, Bob Ross, a grizzly bear—you name it.”

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