Bree Pickford-Murray

BA, Mathematics and Classical Studies, Scripps College
California State Clear Teaching Credential, Secondary Mathematics, Seattle Pacific University

Bree really didn’t like math in high school (true story!), but in her first semester of college she had a professor who showed her familiar material in completely new ways and was part of a community of math learners, rather than an individual struggling alone on problems. She now teaches math—and loves teaching it at Bay—because she is able to give students an experience closer to that college “a-ha” moment. Even with her years of classroom experience, her most influential educational moment was attending her daughter's first parent-teacher conference. “It was the first time I was on the other side of the table.” 

Precept affinity: We value living with kindness and honesty; we are careful truth-tellers. “Trust is one of my core values.”

Favorite Acre lunch: Pulled pork taco salad

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