Emma Sonduck

BA, History, Mount Holyoke College

Emma looks back on her most formative educational experiences and notes one thing in common among all of them: times where she's felt seen; "where a teacher noticed an interest I had an encouraged it or asked for my ideas and truly meant it." From the freedom of a Montessori education when she was young, to thoughtful and dedicated teachers in high school and professors who supported and encouraged in college, Emma feels lucky to have had an incredible educational journey. When not at Bay, she enjoys reading, watching TV and petting her cats.

Precept affinity: We value generosity; we share, giving and receiving help. "This precept reminds me that while we most often conceive of generosity in terms of giving, there is also generosity in sharing and receiving; that to be truly generous means embracing each of those actions. As a fundraiser I have been lucky to see the the joy that generosity -- in all its forms -- brings to those involved, whether giving, receiving or simply sharing in the moment."

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