Mariano Vergara '20

BA, Mathematics and Economics, Minor in Finance, Boston College

As a member of Bay's Class of 2020, Mariano knew his next step had to be somewhere that housed the same sense of community and belonging he felt at Bay. He found that at Boston College, finding his place with organizations such as club soccer, the Latin American Business Club, and Mexican Association of Students. He spent countless hours in the library working on math proof and analyzing complex econometric models, but knew he could always count on having someone to lean on or cheer him up during a time of stress, similar to his experience at Bay. "Boston College's motto 'ever to excel' and its mission to create 'men and women for others' will ring in my ears and beat in my heart for years to come!

When out and about, Mariano enjoys playing soccer, running, spending quality time with family and being in nature.

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