Rachel Shaw

BA, History, University of California, Santa Cruz
Master of Library and Information Science, San Jose State University

Rachel is Bay’s founding librarian, and her broad life experiences and dry wit make her the perfect librarian for high schoolers. “I love empowering Bay students to explore their interests through books and online resources.” When Rachel is interested in a topic, chances are she’s read deeply on it. Particular areas of interest include family history, systemic racism, and succulent gardening. Staffulty have been known to call her Librarian of the Century.

Precept affinity: We value living with kindness and honesty; we are careful truthtellers one. “I remember when Teah [Bay’s founding chaplain, a Buddhist priest] came up with a draft of the precepts during our first summer faculty institute in July 2004. We discussed each precept together as a group. I liked adding careful to truth tellers because we can't all go around saying every single truth we think of.”

Favorite Acre lunch: The Indian-style curry

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